Management Systems Certification

Management Systems Certification

Romanian Movement for Quality (MRC-OCS) is a Systems Certification Body complies with the requirements of SR EN ISO/CEI 17021-1:2015, SR EN ISO/IEC 17021-2:2019 si SR EN ISO/IEC 17021-3:2019, SR ISO/IEC TS 17021-10: 2018, SR ISO/TS 22003:2016, SR EN ISO/IEC 27006:2020, SR ISO 50003:2021, SR EN ISO/CEI 17065:2013. MRC-OCS, accredited by RENAR, provides confidence in certifications that are carried out, ensuring impartiality and independence.

RMQ, CERTIFICATION BODY FOR SYSTEMS, carries on its activity as a third party body, independent to the suppliers and clients, for the certification of:

  • quality management systems: EN ISO 9001
  • environmental management systems: EN ISO 14001
  • occupational health and safety management systems: ISO 45001
  • food safety management systems: EN ISO 22000
  • information security management systems: ISO/IEC 27001
  • quality management systems for medical devices: EN ISO 13485
  • anti-bribery management systems: ISO 37001
  • energy management systems: EN ISO 50001.

MRC-OCS operates on the basis of non-discriminatory policies and procedures, so that it does not practice any form of discrimination to facilitate or delay the processing of certification applications. MRC-OCS shall make available to applicants its certification services. MRC-OCS has sufficient highly educated internal staff and collaborators, who acquired the technical knowledge and experience necessary for providing certification services.

MRC-OCS staff ensures the confidentiality, objectivity and impartiality of the certifications carried out, acting in accordance with the Policy regarding the impartiality, independence and integrity of the certification body.

MRC-OCS documented how to resolve complaints and appeals received from suppliers or other parties involved in certification.

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